How long can I stay in Vietnam? The time allowed to stay is determined by the validity period of the visa from the date of entry you entered in the application form. You can obtain the visa 2-3 months before your travel without worrying about the visa expires before your departure.

Because the virus situation in the world is not getting better, Vietnam is not open for tourist visas. At present, only foreign experts, managers, and supervisors who come to work in Vietnam will be granted a business visa.

Due to the rapid and complex development of the covid-19 pandemic, the Vietnamese government has adopted many severe measures and restrictions on individual actions to limit human contact and minimize the spread of the virus. In response to the rapid increase in new infections, the government has recently issued instructions and measures on the prevention […]

The Immigration Department has temporarily suspended the issue of tourist visas. We can help you to apply for a three-month single entry business visa for foreigners who are guaranteed for business purposes and work purposes.

If you have trouble with the cumbersome immigration procedures and are worried about the isolation option after entry? This article will describe the process of entering Vietnam and how to arrange the isolation hotel. First of all, at present, all foreign citizens who want to come to Vietnam must apply for a Vietnamese visa.

If you have trouble with the cumbersome immigration procedures and are worried about the isolation option after entry? This article will describe the process of entering Vietnam and how to arrange the isolation hotel. First of all, at present, all foreign citizens who want to come to Vietnam must apply for a Vietnamese visa.

If you have trouble with the cumbersome immigration procedures and are worried about the isolation option after entry? This article will describe the process of entering Vietnam and how to arrange the isolation hotel. First of all, at present, all foreign citizens who want to come to Vietnam must apply for a Vietnamese visa.

If you have trouble with the cumbersome immigration procedures and are worried about the isolation option after entry? This article will describe the process of entering Vietnam and how to arrange the isolation hotel. First of all, at present, all foreign citizens who want to come to Vietnam must apply for a Vietnamese visa.

If you have trouble with the cumbersome immigration procedures and are worried about the isolation option after entry? This article will describe the process of entering Vietnam and how to arrange the isolation hotel. First of all, at present, all foreign citizens who want to come to Vietnam must apply for a Vietnamese visa.

In view of the current crisis facing the world, the Vietnamese government is implementing security procedures to ensure the safety of its Vietnamese citizens and foreign passengers from covid-19 attacks. One of the procedures is the health declaration, which is an official document that everyone who wants to visit Vietnam must produce.

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